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Researched Nutritionals
Metalpul 90 capsules
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Metalpul 90 capsules
Metalpul 90 capsules
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MetalPul™ provides the physician with a pure humic acid based product that supports the body’s natural detoxification process without stressing the kidneys or liver. Pure humic acid, without fulvic acid (fulvic acid enters blood stream to bind, excreting through kidneys), promotes cleansing from the intestinal tract, excreting through the bowel (reducing organ stress). Through its negative electrical charge, humic acid pulls the positively charged impurities out of the blood so they will not be reabsorbed, binding with them in the intestine. By not circulating toxins in the blood stream and providing an opportunity for them to be absorbed by the kidneys, humic acid provides a less toxic option for health care professionals while also minimizing the ill-feelings that patients often report when starting such a program using DMPS, DMSA or EDTA. An effective detoxification system reduces the demands on glutathione, as glutathione is freed from binding with these impurities. This complete complex includes vitamin C to stabilize the humic acid bonds, organic cilantro to help move toxins from deep within the body, and broken wall chlorella for additional binding and removal.
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